Investing in promoting well-being at work benefits employees and positively impacts the results and success of the company. Human resources managers therefore have a great responsibility in their hands.
Since corporate wellness initiatives help retain talent and ensure productivity, it is essential to develop effective ways to promote worker health and encourage the creation of a healthy environment.
Want to dive deeper? Let’s explore some concepts and tips for creating a strong workplace wellness culture. Let’s get started.
What is well-being at work?
Well -being at work refers to the physical, mental and emotional balance felt by workers in their workplace. By achieving this state, employees feel satisfied, engaged and professionally motivated.
For this reason, any organization that wants to succeed must think about well-being at work. Indeed, the physical and mental health of employees directly influences their performance and, therefore, the company's results. To learn more about the subject, let's look at the benefits of well-being at work on company performance.
The benefits of well-being at work on company performance
Prioritizing worker health helps increase productivity and create a positive organizational climate. This gives the company a competitive advantage by facilitating hiring and reducing talent turnover.
Moreover, employee motivation goes beyond personal satisfaction. In fact, it translates into increased efficiency, which is always one of the main goals of the company. How to put all this into practice? We will talk about it in more detail later in this article.
Types of Workplace Wellness Programs
Talking about workplace wellness in the broad sense of the term can seem very vague. However, what are the programs that lead to this well-being? As leaders in employee management and recognition, we have compiled a list of relevant programs for workplace wellness. Discover and adopt the workplace wellness program that best suits your company.
Recognition and rewards
It’s about recognizing and appreciating the results of all employees’ work through feedback, rewards, gifts, and opportunities for improvement. This workplace wellness program is most appreciated by employees. It shows them how much you care about them and how important they are to the company. This can greatly improve the company’s bottom line. If you’re not sure where to start, Accolad is well-positioned to guide you through the process.
Professional development
These are opportunities for growth and learning. Recognizing skills and identifying clear and challenging goals also help promote well-being at work.
Work-life balance
These are the policies and practices that enable you to balance work responsibilities with personal needs and interests. This program emphasizes, in practice, flexibility between personal and professional life.
8 tips to promote well-being at work
The focus on promoting well-being at work generates benefits for both employees and the company. It is therefore important to prioritize the aspects mentioned above and promote actions that can be concretely implemented on a daily basis.
Below are some actions that can be included in this process. Review these suggestions and evaluate which ones are viable in the context of your business.
1. Set priorities
First, analyze the reality of your company and define what the priorities are. To be able to maintain practices that promote well-being at work, it is important to go slowly in implementing actions and to be consistent.
Review existing processes to make adjustments and improvements. Then, gradually begin implementing new practices, based on the priorities established previously.
2. Promote physical and emotional health
The minimum necessary to promote well-being at work is to provide a clean, organized and comfortable work environment. Providing adequate spaces for rest and relaxation can also be important. However, it is not enough to think about the physical aspects to guarantee a healthy corporate environment.
The organizational climate and the pace of work also affect employees' health. Thus, a good practice to work on this point could be to make schedules more flexible when possible. Allowing employees to have flexibility in defining their schedules contributes to a balance between personal and professional life.
3. Integrate recognition into the heart of your corporate culture
One of the easiest ways to promote employee well-being is to recognize their contribution at work. Recent studies indicate that 70% of employees feel that recognition connects them emotionally to their company. The influence of a work environment where recognition is omnipresent should not be underestimated.
A simple thank you note or gift can have a significant impact. The Accolad Rewards Online Store offers a wide selection of quality gifts for your employees. The store can even be customized with your company's image (logo, welcome text, etc.).
4. Use technology to promote well-being
There are many management or work tools that can help lighten employees' workload. Employers can rely on or acquire these tools to improve employees' quality of life within the company. Offering innovative tools can also be a major competitive differentiator for companies that want to retain and attract talent more effectively.
5. Manage stress
In today's fast-paced world, it is essential to think about stress management. Reducing pressure and exhaustion as much as possible helps prevent future problems.
Investing in workplace wellness can help in this regard, but it is also important to ensure that employees are working during the appropriate time or ideal hours for work. Rest or break times can be used to relax. Take a moment to think about ways to monitor the quality of work life for your employees.
6. Establish open communication and measure satisfaction
Communication is an essential part of any human resources management process. It must therefore help promote well-being and serve as a tool to measure worker satisfaction. The goal is to establish a culture of open and transparent communication so that workers feel comfortable expressing their opinions, suggestions and concerns. This openness contributes to a climate of trust and a better quality of work.
7. Develop organizational culture
Developing a strong organizational culture is essential to achieve good results and ensure a healthy work environment. Management based on respect, valuing people and concern for individual and collective well-being must be a fundamental element in developing culture.
8. Encourage teamwork
Here you can promote well-being at work and company performance through joint projects, regular meetings and integration activities. It is important to think in terms of actions that are consistent with the work routines and interests of workers. Invest in socialization and exchange activities that strengthen interpersonal relationships and employees' sense of belonging.
Accolad: your ally for a successful quest for well-being at work
Are you looking for a solution to cultivate the well-being of your employees? Accolad is here for you. We offer you a unique experience where innovation, excellence and commitment are the key words. Thanks to our recognition solutions, employers can send personalized gifts to their employees, and this, in just a few clicks. This allows you to create moments of happiness and recognition.
We work with local and international partners to ensure quality products for our customers in Quebec and elsewhere. Save time, improve staff retention and promote employee happiness at work with Accolad.
How can you improve your employees’ well-being and productivity today? Talk to our experts now and discover how Accolad can transform your workplace.